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seville-greenwood-washrooms-shower-cubicles (2) - domestic toilets skilled wirral at school bathrooms installation yorkshire likewise college bathrooms expert north east UK - Washroom and Toilet Cubicle Installation & Supply

Duct Panels

Easy on the eye and great for keeping any ugly pipework hidden.

Duct Panels

Easy on the eye and great for keeping any ugly pipework hidden.

Get those clean lines courtesy of our washroom duct panels


Your washroom facilities should reflect the professionalism and high standards of your company or institution, embodying cleanliness, practicality, and a flawless finish. One key aspect of achieving this is ensuring that unsightly pipework and fittings are neatly concealed, creating a polished, streamlined appearance. This is where Seville Greenwood Ltd can assist.

We offer a wide range of high-quality duct panelling solutions, designed specifically to hide structural pipework in washrooms and other facilities. Our duct panels not only enhance the aesthetics of your space but also ensure easy access for maintenance when needed, making them both practical and stylish.

Whether your premises are located in Manchester, Liverpool, or elsewhere in the UK North West, our expert team can supply and install duct panelling that meets your specific requirements. Our systems are ideal for commercial environments such as offices, leisure centres, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, where a neat and tidy appearance is essential.

For a seamless finish that conceals pipework while maintaining functionality, Seville Greenwood Ltd is the partner you can rely on. Contact us today to discuss your duct panel needs and create washroom facilities that truly represent your organisation’s standards.

Find Out More

At Seville Greenwod, we offer fully framed, pre-hung washroom duct and wall panel systems with all face panels factory-mounted onto timber subframe systems (to suit environment conditions). We offer two different panel specifications as standard to suit all budgetary needs and wet or dry environments:

  • Forte – SGL – 12mm Solid Grade Laminate
  • Vitesse – MFC – 19mm Melamine Faced Chipboard

All our duct assemblies are bespoke, manufactured to suit site requirements and detailed to accommodate sanitary ware and DDA provision.